Here are some show/lesson/jam session notes for Jam Session 103h:
- Jon plays guitar; Ryan plays bass.
- Standard tuning for a four-string bass is like the thickest four of a guitar: E A D G, but one octave lower.
- For some reason, Jon and Ryan use lipstick mics
to record their voices, when these sort of mics are usually used to record instruments, not voices/vocals.
- A 2.0 mm pick
is sometimes used during this jam session for the bass.
D Bm G
e |-2-------------------|-2------------------|-3-------------------| B |-3-------------------|-3------------------|-3-------------------| G |-2-------------------|-4------------------|-0-------------------| D |-0-------------------|-4------------------|-0-------------------| A |---------------------|-2------------------|-2-------------------| E |---------------------|--------------------|-3-------------------|
A e |-0-------------------|--------------------|---------------------| B |-2-------------------|--------------------|---------------------| G |-2-------------------|--------------------|---------------------| D |-2-------------------|--------------------|---------------------| A |-0-------------------|--------------------|---------------------| E |---------------------|--------------------|---------------------|
D Bm G
G |---------------------|--------------------|---------------------| D |----4--7-------------|---0--4-------------|---------------------| A |-5-------------------|-2------------------|----2--5-------------| E |---------------------|--------------------|-3-------------------|
A G |---------------------|--------------------|---------------------| D |---------------------|--------------------|---------------------| A |----4--7-------------|--------------------|---------------------| E |-5-------------------|--------------------|---------------------|
If you don't know how to read guitar tab (as computer text), this section of a Wikipedia article may help.
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Podcast subscribers: If these jam session notes look jumbled, please visit and look up Jam Session 103h - Thanks!
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