G is the root note, B is the major 3rd, and D is the perfect fifth.

Notes: G A B C# D E F# G (compare with the D major scale: D E F# G A B C# D)
G Lydian E |---------------------|-------------------2-|-3--5--7-------------| B |---------------------|----------2--3--5----|---------------------| G |---------------------|----2--4-------------|---------------------| D |----------------2--4-|-5-------------------|---------------------| A |-------2--4--5-------|---------------------|---------------------| E |-3--5----------------|---------------------|---------------------|
Notes: C Db Eb F G Ab Bb C
C Phyrgian E |------------------------|-------------------------|-8--9--11-----| B |------------------------|----------------8--9--11-|--------------| G |------------------------|---------8--10-----------|--------------| D |----------------------8-|-10--11------------------|--------------| A |-----------8--10--11----|-------------------------|--------------| E |-8--9--11---------------|-------------------------|--------------|
Jam Session 101h (see original show notes) was our first Chord du Jour Podcast. At the time of production (August or September 2009), we were still trying to figure out the format of the podcast, so we just jammed over the C major chord.
After a few weeks, we finally developed a specific production routine: (1) Come up with a chord progression and rhythm at the last minute; (2) keep the vocal intro short and describe the current chord progression quickly; (3) shut up (mostly) and play, until the Jam Session is over!
Posted by
Ryan DeRamos
12:00 AM
Labels: 101, jam session, music, podcast, rewind
How are you with Key of C chord progressions? Jam along with this John Lennon classic:
Off the top of my head, you'll only need these chords (and some relatively simple chord embellishments, like 7ths and major-7ths and minor 7ths and whatnot) to hammer out a fun cover of the song:
I'm probably missing some chords. Try to figure out the correct progressions (use your ears!); otherwise, Google can be your friend and tell you which sites have some transcriptions (of varying accuracy). When it's finally set up, you can look up various chords at our reference section.
Posted by
Ryan DeRamos
9:25 PM
Labels: c, inspiration, piano
Notes, starting with C (even though the it's really in G minor): C D F G Bb C D F G
Cm E |------------------|--------------------|-8--10--13--15----------| B |------------------|------------8--11---|------------------------| G |------------------|-----7--10----------|------------------------| D |---------------8--|-10-----------------|------------------------| A |--------8--10-----|--------------------|------------------------| E |-8--10------------|--------------------|------------------------|
"Shine a Light" is probably my favorite Rolling Stones song.
If you don't play the piano, I think it's worth it to learn four basic chords in C: C major, G major, A minor, and F major, so you can play this song - albeit just simply pounding on piano chords - to your heart's content.
You're going to have to figure out the exact order and rhythm of these chords, either by listening to the song (over and over!) or by using Google for some official/unofficial sheet music.
Posted by
Ryan DeRamos
10:51 AM
Labels: c, inspiration, piano
In case you're wondering, we'll only publish podcast-related posts on Wednesdays (new and repeat Jam Sesssions). This is fortunate for us because today's mode is a diminished one in C, and we'd be hard-pressed to find a previous jam session that contains something appropriate, like an Ab7 or Cdim.
C Locrian E |-----------------------|--------------------------|-8--9--11-----| B |-----------------------|--------------------9--11-|--------------| G |-----------------------|---------8--10--11--------|--------------| D |---------------------8-|-10--11-------------------|--------------| A |-----------8--9--11----|--------------------------|--------------| E |-8--9--11--------------|--------------------------|--------------|
Posted by
Ryan DeRamos
12:00 AM
Labels: c, diminished, guitar, locrian, mode
Posted by
DeRamos Music
12:00 AM
Labels: chord, f, guitar, power chord
F Aeolian E |---------------------|---------------------|-1--3--4-------------| B |---------------------|-------------1--2--4-|---------------------| G |---------------------|-------1--3----------|---------------------| D |-------------------1-|-3--5----------------|---------------------| A |----------1--3--4----|---------------------|---------------------| E |-1--3--4-------------|---------------------|---------------------|
Jam Session 312 is all-new!
Chords: F Bb C7sus4 C7 (x4); Dm Bb C; Dm Bb A7; Dm Bb C; F Bb F (in 6/8 time)
Posted by
DeRamos Music
12:00 AM
F E |-----------------------|------------------------|-1--3-----------| B |-----------------------|----------1--3----------|----------------| G |-----------------------|----0--3----------------|----------------| D |-------------0---------|-3----------------------|----------------| A |-------1--3------------|------------------------|----------------| E |-1--3------------------|------------------------|----------------|
Posted by
DeRamos Music
12:00 AM
F Phrygian E |---------------------|---------------------|-1--2--4-------------| B |---------------------|-------------1--2--4-|---------------------| G |---------------------|-------1--3----------|---------------------| D |-------------------1-|-3--4----------------|---------------------| A |----------1--3--4----|---------------------|---------------------| E |-1--2--4-------------|---------------------|---------------------|
Posted by
DeRamos Music
12:00 AM
Labels: bb, chord, guitar, power chord
Bb Dorian E |-----------------------|------------------------|-6--8--9--------| B |-----------------------|--------------6--8--9---|----------------| G |-----------------------|--------6--8------------|----------------| D |--------------------6--|-8--10------------------|----------------| A |----------6--8--10-----|------------------------|----------------| E |-6--8--9---------------|------------------------|----------------|
Jam Session 311 is all-new!
Chords: Bb5 Db5 Ab5 Eb5; Bb5 Db5 Ab5 Gb5; Bb5 Db5 Ab5 Eb5; Gb5 Ab5
Posted by
DeRamos Music
12:00 AM
Bb E |---------------------|---------------------|-6--8--10--13--15----| B |---------------------|----------6--8-------|---------------------| G |---------------------|----5--7-------------|---------------------| D |-------------5-------|-8-------------------|---------------------| A |-------5--8----------|---------------------|---------------------| E |-6--8----------------|---------------------|---------------------|
Posted by
DeRamos Music
12:00 AM
Bb Aeolian E |-----------------------|-------------------------|-6--8--9-------| B |-----------------------|--------------6--7--9----|---------------| G |-----------------------|--------6--8-------------|---------------| D |-------------------6---|-8--10-------------------|---------------| A |----------6--8--9------|-------------------------|---------------| E |-6--8--9---------------|-------------------------|---------------|